【一般條款及細則】 1.【提示條款】 1.1 此等條款及條件(“使用條款”)適用於您(“客戶”)造訪和使用《AuntieHELP》 (“我們”)的系統(網站,應用程式及服務,定義見下文),以及在系統中或透過其向您提供的所有資訊、建議或服務。在使用我們的系統之前,請仔細閱讀本使用條款。 1.2 本條款中「應用程式」定義:我們為相關服務的使用者(“會員”)聯係各類型的日常家居與生活服務及各類型產品或服務提供者( “供應方”)。您可透過您下載並安裝至智能手機的應用程式進行有關服務。我們根據您對應用程式的使用,向您提供的相關中介平台服務(“服務”)。 1.3 本條款中「客戶」定義:產品或服務的購買者或消費者。 1.3 當您向我們申請帳戶時,即表示你與我們訂立合約 (“合約”), 即這使用條款。此後,您有義務向我們提供您的個人資訊、移動電話號碼及可能需要提供的付款資料。 1.5 當供應商向客戶所發出的服務要求或訂購商品(“柯打”),進行報價或確認柯打後,我們會保留您的帳戶資料及柯打記錄。 1.6 您需確認註冊程序或者使用AuntieHELP系統之前,您應當具備您所在地法律規定與您行為相適應的民事行為能力,若您不具備當地法律法規與您相適應的民事行為能力,則由您的監護人依照法律法規承擔一切後果。 2.【如何使用服務及應用程式】 2.1 客戶可以在AuntieHELP的網站或到已下載到手機的應用程式,註冊一個用戶帳號,然後用已註冊的帳號登入AuntieHELP,選擇想要購買的產品或服務,並且下訂單(落柯打)。 2.2 為免生疑問,我們特此聲明:我們的角色並非供應方(產品或服務供應商或提供者),因此我們不會提供任何家居服務或產品,售後服務及產品保養。我們提供的系統,是客戶與供應方(產品或服務供應商或提供者)的配對平台。所有服務及產品均由供應方提供。 因此,供應方須遵守與客戶之間所訂立以各種形式(包括口頭形式)的協議。而我們絕非該等協議中的一方。若客戶與供應方之間出現糾紛,雙方應自行處理解決。我們有權(但非必要)查詢並協助處理有關糾紛。 3.【您對應用程式或服務的使用】 3.1 您需保證向我們提供的資訊正確及完整。 我們有權查證您所提供的資訊是否準確。 3.2 我們有權拒絕提供服務或拒絕您使用我們的系統,而不解釋理由。 3.3您有責任自行檢查您為設備下載正確的AuntieHELP應用程式。 因你的設備問題,或設備不兼容應用程式,或您下載的AuntieHELP應用程式版本有誤,而產生的一切不便或損失,我們概不承擔責。 3.4 若您在未授權的設備上使用AuntieHELP應用程式或服務,我們保留終止向您提供相關服務的權利。 4.【您向我們申請帳戶時,即表示您進一步同意:】 4.1 您不會把帳戶轉售或授權予第三方使用,只會用作個人用途。 4.2 一但供應方把客戶的聯絡資訊轉告予第三方,讓第三方為客戶提供服務,而服務提供者(供應方或第三方)與客戶在交易過程上有任何糾紛,我們既不負責;但我們有權向服務提供者作相關的調查。 4.3 您不會把AuntieHELP系統,用於非法目的,包括但不限於,發送或存儲任何非法材料或用於欺詐目的。 4.4 您不會利用AuntieHELP系統對他人造成滋擾;如您因使用AuntieHELP系統對他人造成滋擾,而產生的任何法律訴訟,我們概不負責任。 4.5 您不會以任何方式損害AuntieHELP系統,包括以未經我們授權的程式或方法,企圖修改AuntieHELP應用程式或網站。 4.6 未獲得我們的許可(包括口頭或書面形式),您不會複製或分發AuntieHELP應用程式或相關內容。 4.7 在我們提出合理要求時,您會提供身份證明。 4.8 您不會以未授權的設備或程式,使用AuntieHELP系統。 4.9 您將遵守香港特別行政區法律,或您使用AuntieHELP系統時所在國家、州及或市的所有適用法律。 4.10 若您違反上述任何規定,我們保留終止向您提供服務及拒絕您使用AuntieHELP系統的權利。同時,若您使用AuntieHELP系統時,違反本地(香港特別行政區)或所在地的法例時,我們保留以法律追究的權利,以及保留向您追究因您的違規行為對我們造成的損失的權利。 4.11 您應確保您的行為,不會對我們的附屬公司的相關人員,包括工作人員、其他獨立供應商、其他客戶或相關人員造成任何形式的損害。 5.【付款】 5.1 付款方法應根據我們的客戶服務人員、官方網站(www.auntiehelp.com)或應用程式內 提供的方法。若果三者提供的方法有不同,應以我們的客戶服務人員以書面(包括電郵、電話、手機短訊文字)提供的方法為準。 5.2 產品單價和服務費及其條款是由供應方, 或供應方與客戶定立的。供應方與客戶之間的財務糾紛,我們有權但非必要介入處理。 6.【賠償與退款】 6.1您接受本使用條款並向我們申請帳戶時,即表示您同意,對於因以下事項產生或與之相關的任何及所有索賠、費用、損害、損失、債務及開支(例如律師費和訴訟費)作出賠償。 6.1.1您違反或觸犯本使用條款的任何條款或任何適用的本地(香港特別行政區)或所在國家的法律或法規。 6.1.2 您違反任何第三方的任何權利。 6.2 AuntieHELP平台一般情況下不設退換或退款, 除非在商品和服務項其條款中寫明清楚. 在現有線上的產品和服務項,如沒有寫明設有退換或退款的,AuntieHELP平台自動默認為 “其商品或服務項不設退換或退款”。請您下單之前閱讀清楚條款後才下單。 6.3 在現有的訂購取消政策下, AuntieHELP平台將視乎條款的內容並在特別情況下方考慮客戶退款申請, 但平台保留最終決定權。 6.4 所有的退款, AuntieHELP平台將會收取10%的行政費, 平台會將客戶已支付的款項,扣除行政費後,在21個工作天內退回給客戶。 6.5 AuntieHELP以公正合理並確保各方利益前提下,保留客戶退款申請的最終審核和決定權。 7.【我們的責任】 7.1 在AuntieHELP系統(網站、應用程式及服務)中或透過其向您提供的資訊或服務僅供一般參考之用,並不構成建議。 7.2 我們將以合理方式確保AuntieHELP系統及其內容正確且更新。但並不保證AuntieHELP系統沒有缺陷、惡意軟件及病毒、完全正確、最新、無誤。因使用或無法使用AuntieHELP系統而造成的任何損害(但死亡或人身傷害除外),包括由惡意軟件、病毒或任何不正確或不完整資訊,或由AuntieHELP系統所造成的損害,除非該等損害是來自我們蓄意的不當行為或重大疏忽造成的,否則我們概不承擔責任。 7.3 在不影響上述規定的情況下,並在強制適用法律允許的範圍內,我們承擔的累計責任在任何情況下均不得超過港幣1000元(如適用)。 7.4 在任何情況下,您的任何行動、舉措、行為、舉動、疏忽、相關由此產生的任何責任, 我們一概不予承擔。 8.【經您授予的許可】 8.1 我們可自行決定允許客戶在或透過AuntieHELP系統張貼、上傳、發布、提交或傳輸的資訊內容。客戶提供的資訊內容將被視為非機密和非專有內容。 因此,我們具有非排他性的免版稅權利,可出於任何目的、藉助任何媒體、在世界任何地方使用、複製、分發及向第三方披露任何客戶內容(”許可授予”)。 8.2 客戶確認我們僅充當分發客戶內容的被動渠道,並不會因客戶的內容或準確性而向客戶或任何第三方承擔責任。 8.3 我們不得持續監控客戶發布的內容或緩和客戶與供應方之間的衝突,我們亦無該等義務。 8.4 在不限制上述規定的情況下,客戶確認並同意,客戶發布的內容中表達或包含的任何評論、觀點、意見、建議等其他資訊不一定代表我們。 8.5 客戶須自行承擔使用AuntieHELP系統及服務的所有風險。 8.6 客戶聲明並保證,客戶傳輸的任何內容均為客戶的原創內容,均未抄襲任何第三方的作品,或以其他方式侵犯任何第三方的知識產權、私隱權或人格權,且不含有任何誹謗或詆毀言論。 8.7 客戶聲明並保證,客戶有能力授予本款所規定的許可。客戶同意,對於因客戶張貼或傳輸的任何資訊內容,或客戶對AuntieHELP系統(網站、服務或應用程式)的其他使用方式而導致我們損失時,會對我們作出賠償。賠償範圍涉及所有經客戶的行為而對我們業務所產生的損失。 8.8 若我們認為客戶張貼或傳輸的任何用戶內容不符合本使用條款(包括侵犯或可能侵犯第三方知識產權、私隱權或人格權的材料),或在其他方面為我們所不能接受,我們保留自行決定阻止或刪除該等內容(全部或部分)的權利。 8.9 客戶同意,如您發現有任何其他會員、第三方、供應方違反本使用條款,您應及時以書面或郵件形式通知我們。 您同意向我們提供足夠資訊,我們也同意作出真誠的努力,以調查該等投訴,並採取我們自行決定的措施。 但是,我們概不保證也不聲明將其阻止或採取其他行動(全部或部分)。 9.【應用程式許可】 在您遵守本使用條款的前提下,我們向您授予有限的、非排他性的、不可轉讓的許可,用於在您擁有或控制的單部移動設備上下載及安裝AuntieHELP應用程式的副本,及僅為個人用途運行該應用程式副本。 9.1 若未經我們同意,不得以任何方式許可、再許可、出售、轉售、轉讓、出讓、分發AuntieHELP應用程式或服務,或以其他方式從事商業開發或提供給任何第三方。 9.2 不得修改AuntieHELP系統,或據此製作衍生作品。 9.3 未經我們的同意,不得在AuntieHELP系統創建指向服務的互聯網「連結」,或在任何其他伺服器或基於無線或互聯網的設備上「偽造」或「鏡像」任何應用程式。 9.4 不得進行反向工程或存取AuntieHELP系統以: 9.4.1 設計或構建競爭產品或服務。 9.4.2 採用與AuntieHELP系統類似的創意、特點、功能或圖形設計或構建產品。 9.4.3 抄襲服AuntieHELP系統的任何創意、特點、功能或圖形。 9.5 不得啟動自動程式或腳本,包括但不限於,網絡蜘蛛、網絡爬蟲、網絡僵屍程式、網絡螞蟻、網頁索引器、僵屍 程式、病毒或蠕蟲,或任何可每秒發送多個伺服器請求、或過度增加AuntieHELP系統的負擔或阻礙其運行及/或性能的程式。 9.6 不得發送垃圾郵件或違反適用法律的其他重複或來路不明的郵件。 9.7 不得發送或存儲侵權、淫穢、威脅、誹謗或其他非法或侵權材料,包括對兒童有害或侵犯第三方私隱權的材料。 9.8不得發送或存儲包含軟件病毒、蠕蟲、木馬程式或其他有害的電腦代碼、檔案、腳本、代理或程式的材料。 9.9 不得干擾或破壞AuntieHELP系統或其所含資料的完整性或性能。 9.10 不得試圖在未經授權的情況下存取AuntieHELP系統或其相關系統或網絡。 9.11 在法律允許的最大範圍內,我們有權調查並檢控任何上述違法違規行為。 9.12 我們可參與並協助執法部門檢控違反本使用條款的會員或客戶。 9.13 您確認,我們概無義務監控您存取或使用AuntieHELP系統或共有內容,亦無義務審查或編輯任何共有內容,但我們有權出於運營AuntieHELP系統的目的採取上述行動,以確保您遵守本使用條款,或遵守適用法律或法院、行政機關或其他政府機關的命令或要求。 9.14 若我們經自行決定後認為任何共有內容違反本使用條款或以其他方式危害AuntieHELP系統,我們保留在不另行通知的情況下隨時刪除或禁止對該等共有內容的存取的權利。 10.【版權政策及知識產權歸屬】 10.1 我們自身(及其許可方,如適用)應擁有AuntieHELP系統以及您或任何其他方提供的有關AuntieHELP系統的任何建議、創意、增強請求、反饋、推薦或其他資訊的所有權利、所有權及權益(包括所有相關的知識產權)。 10.2 本使用條款不構成向您出售或轉讓AuntieHELP系統中或與之相關的任何所有權或我們擁有的任何知識產權。 10.3 我們的名稱、徽標以及與應用程式和服務相關的產品名稱均為 《AuntieHELP》,本使用條款並未授予您使用權利或許可。 11.【第三方互動】 11.1 在您使用AuntieHELP系統期間,您可能與第三方、廣告商或贊助商(該等第三方將透過網站上的連結或透過應用程式或服務展示各自商品及/或服務)通訊、向其購買商品及/或服務、參與其促銷活動。 該等連結將帶您離開網站、應用程式及服務,且不在我們的控制範圍內。 11.2 您可以連結到的網站規定了各自的條款、條件及私隱政策。 我們不會對該等網站的內容及活動負責。 因此,您須自行承擔造訪或存取該等網站的所有風險。 11.3 請注意,該等網站可能會向客戶發送其自身的 cookies、收集資料或索取個人資訊。因此,在使用該等網站之前,建議您查看其使用條款或私隱政策。 12.【合約的期限及終止】 12.1 我們與您訂立的合約為無限期合約。 12.2 您有權隨時透過永久性刪除智能手機上安裝的AuntieHELP應用程式來終止合約,從而禁止您使用AuntieHELP系統及服務。 12.3 若您作出以下行為,我們有權隨時終止合約並立即生效(透過禁止您使用AuntieHELP系統,暫停或終止你的帳號): 12.3.1 如果您違反或觸犯本使用條款的任何條款,或我們認為您濫 AuntieHELP系統,包括多次被其他會員或第三方投訴。我們無義務提前發出終止合約通知, 並且有可能被限制您登入繼續使用系統。 13.【一項或多項條文無效 】 若本使用條款的任何條款無效,本使用條款中其他條文的有效性均不受影響,或者按合理與公平的標準,在特定情況下只有在該條文的範圍內不可接受,合約雙方應採用在考慮所有情況後,且在考慮本使用條款的整體內容及目的後,接受最貼近無效部分的條文。 14.【服務及用戶條款的修改】 我們保留自行決定隨時修改或替換本使用條款的任何內容,或更改、暫停或中斷AuntieHELP系統(包括但不限於,任何功能、資料庫或內容的可用性)的權利,屆時我們只需在AuntieHELP系統進行對本條款的更新。您有義務定期閱讀本條款,以確保您的權益。我們亦可對若干功能和服務加以限制,或限制您存取部分或全部服務,且無需另行通知或承擔責任。 15.【通知及查詢聯絡資料】 我們可透過以下方式發送通知: 15.1 在服務或應用程式中發送一般通知。 15.2 向您在我們的帳戶資訊中,登記的電子郵件地址發送電子郵件。 15.3 向您在我們帳戶資訊中登記的普通郵件地址寄發書面通知。 如有任何查詢,歡迎隨時聯繫我們,聯絡資料如下: 潤樺國際有限公司 電子郵件:enquiry@auntiehelp.com 最後更新日期:2022 年 10月 10日
[General Terms and Conditions] 1. [Reminder Terms] 1.1 This “Terms and Conditions” ("Terms of Use") apply to user (“Customer”) who can access to or usage of AuntieHELP's ("we/our") system (Website, Applications, and Services, as defined below), and in the use of our System or through it which all information, advice or services are provided to you. Please read this “Terms of Use” carefully before using our system. 1.2 The definition of "System" in these terms: We provide Customer a platform to search and purchase various types of daily domestic services and products. You can perform the trade through AuntieHELP's mobile application that you download and install on your smartphone or tablet, or login to AuntieHELP's website. Our service is to provide a platform to link both Customer and Supplier together. 1.3 The definition of "Customer" in these terms: Consumer of product or service. 1.4 When you apply for an account, you are entering into a contract with us, and you agree to comply the terms of use listed in this document. Thereafter, you are obliged to provide us with your personal information, mobile phone number and payment details that are required for the trade or transaction. 1.5 We will retain Customer’s account information and order records once the Supplier acknowledges, provide a quotation, or confirmed the service request or product order from Customer. 1.6 Before you complete the registration procedure or use our system, you should have the capability to comply laws and regulations where you belong. If you are under-age (according to the law of the place where you present), the guardian shall bear all consequences in accordance with laws and regulations. 2. [How to use our service and application] 2.1 Customer may visit AuntieHELP’s website, or the application downloaded to smartphone, and register an account. Login to AuntieHELP with the account registered and make an order on the products or services. 2.2 To avoid any doubt or confusion, we hereby declare that we are not a Supplier (service provider or product merchant), and therefore will not provide any product, domestic service, post-sales service, and product maintenance. The system we provide is a matching platform between Customer and Supplier. All services and products are provided by Supplier (service or product provider). The Supplier is subject to comply various forms of agreements (including oral forms) between the Supplier and the Customer. We (AuntieHELP) do not participate or have any part in these agreements. If there is a dispute between the Customer and the Supplier, both parties shall resolve it by themselves. We have the right (but not necessarily) to get involve or assist in dealing with these disputes. 3. [Your use of the application or service] 3.1 You need to ensure that the information provided to us is accurate and complete. We reserve the right to verify the integrity of the information you provide to us. 3.2 We have the right to refuse to provide services or access to our system without provide you the reason(s). 3.3 It is your responsibility to make sure that you download the correct AuntieHELP's mobile application to your device. We are not responsible for any inconvenience or loss caused by problems with your device, incompatible AuntieHELP's mobile application on your device, or the wrong version of the Mobile Application you downloaded. 3.4 We reserve the right to terminate the provision of the relevant service to you if we found that you do not have the authorization to access to AuntieHELP's mobile application. 4. [When you apply for an account with us, you further agree to:] 4.1 You will not resell or authorize a third party to access your account, it is solely for your personal use. 4.2 If the Supplier transfers the Customer’s personal information to a third party so that the third party can provide services to the Customer, and there is a dispute between Supplier and the Customer in the process, we will not hold any responsibility in this case; but we have the right to make relevant investigations in this case. 4.3 You will not use AuntieHELP's system for illegal purposes, including but not limited to, sending or storing any illegal materials or for any fraudulent purpose. 4.4 You will not use AuntieHELP's system to cause nuisance to others; we are not responsible for any legal action arising from your action. 4.5 You will not harm AuntieHELP's system in any way, such as attempting to modify the AuntieHELP's mobile application or website by your programs or methods unauthorized by us. 4.6 You will not reproduce or distribute the AuntieHELP's mobile application or related content without our permission (whether in oral or in writing). 4.7 You will provide proof of identity upon our reasonable request. 4.8 You will not access to AuntieHELP's system with unauthorized devices or programs. 4.9 You will comply with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, or all applicable laws of the country, state or city in which you use AuntieHELP's system. 4.10 If you violate any of the above provisions, we reserve the right to terminate the service to you and refuse your access and usage of AuntieHELP's system. At the same time, if you violate the law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or local laws when using AuntieHELP's system, we reserve the right to pursue legal action, and reserve the right to hold you accountable for the losses caused by your violations. 4.11 You should ensure that your actions will not cause any form of damage to the relevant personnel of our affiliates, including staff, other independent Supplier, other Customers, or related personnel. 5. [Payment] 5.1 The payment method shall be in accordance with the method provided by our Customer-service staff, official website (www.auntiehelp.com) or within the Mobile Application. If there is any dispute in between the three channels mentioned above, the method provided by our Customer-service personnel in writing (including emails, phone calls, and mobile text messages) shall have the highest precedence. 5.2 The domestic service fee is set by the Supplier and agreed by the Customer. If there is any financial dispute between Suppliers and Customer, we reserve the right to choose to intervene or not. 6. [Compensation and Refund] 6.1 By accepting this “Terms of Use” and applying for an account with us, you agree that you will be liable for any or all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities, and expenses (such as attorneys' fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with compensation from the situations mentioned below: 6.1.1 You breach or violate any provision of this “Terms of Use”, any applicable law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, laws, or regulations of the place where you present. 6.1.2 You violate any rights of any third party. 6.2 The AuntieHELP’s system generally does not provide returns or refunds unless it is clearly stated in the terms of the goods and services. For all online products and services listed on AuntieHELP’s system, if there is no mention of return or refund under the terms and conditions, AuntieHELP’s system will automatically treat it as "No return or refund for this good or service". Please read the terms and conditions carefully before placing an order. 6.3 Under the existing Cancellation Policy, the AuntieHELP will consider the Customer's refund application, depending on the content of the terms and under special circumstances. However, the AuntieHELP reserves the right on the final decision. 6.4 For all refunds, the AuntieHELP’s system will charge a 10% administrative fee, and will return the amount paid to the Customer within 21 working days after deducting the administrative fee. 6.5 AuntieHELP reserves the right on the final decision of the Customer's refund application. The final decision made will be based on fairness, reasonableness, and taking the interests of all parties into consideration. 7. [Our Responsibilities] 7.1 The information or services provided to you on or through AuntieHELP’s system (Websites, Application, and Services) are for references only and do not constitute as advice. 7.2 We will use reasonable means to ensure that AuntieHELP’s system and its content are correct and up to date. However, there is no guarantee that AuntieHELP’s system will be free of defects, free of malware or viruses, complete, correct, up-to-date or error-free. In any case, any damage, or losses (other than death or personal injury) arising out of the use or inability to use AuntieHELP’s system, such as damage caused by malware or viruses, or any incorrect or incomplete information from the system, we shall not be liable for such damages until we are proven the damage is the result of our willful misconduct or gross negligence. 7.3 Without prejudice to the foregoing, and to the extent permitted by mandatory applicable law, our aggregate liability shall in no event exceed HK$1,000 or (as applicable). 7.4 In no event shall we accept any liability in connection with or arising out of any of your actions or misconduct. 8. [With permission granted by you] 8.1 In our sole discretion, we may allow Customer to post, upload, submit or transmit informational content on or through the AuntieHELP’s system. Customer-provided content will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We have the non-exclusive, royalty-free right to use, reproduce, distribute, and disclose to third parties any Customer-provided content for any purpose, in any medium, anywhere in the world. 8.2 Customer acknowledges that we only act as a passive channel for distributing Customer-provided content and will not be liable to Customer or any third party for Customer’s content or accuracy. 8.3 We will not continuously monitor the content posted by Customer or mitigate conflicts between Suppliers, nor are we obligated to do so. 8.4 Without limiting the foregoing, the Customer acknowledges and agrees that any comments, views, opinions, suggestions, and other information expressed or contained in the content posted by the Customer do not necessarily represent us. 8.5 Customer shall bear all risks of using AuntieHELP’s system. 8.6 The Customer declares and warrants that any content submitted by the Customer is the original content from the Customer and does not plagiarize the works of any third party, nor infringe any third party's intellectual property rights, privacy rights or moral rights, and does not contain any defamatory or defamatory remarks. 8.7 Customer represents and warrants that he or she grants the permission set forth in this paragraph. The Customer agrees to indemnify us for any losses incurred by he or she as a result of any content posted or submitted by he or she, or the usage of AuntieHELP’s system by the Customer. The scope of compensation covers all losses to our business caused by the actions of the Customer. 8.8 If we believe that any content posted or submitted by the Customer does not comply with these “Terms of Use” (including material that infringes or may infringe third party intellectual property, privacy or moral rights), or is otherwise unacceptable to us, we reserve the right to block or remove such content (in whole or in part) at our sole discretion. 8.9 The Customer agrees that if you find any other Customer and Supplier in violation of these “Terms of Use”, you shall promptly notify us in writing. You agree to provide us with sufficient information to enable us to investigate whether the Member and Merchant is in breach of these “Terms of Use”. We agree to make good faith efforts to investigate such complaints and to act at our sole discretion. However, we do not warrant or represent that it will be prevented or otherwise taken (in whole or in part). 9. [App License] Subject to your compliance with these “Terms of Use”, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download and install copies of the AuntieHELP’s mobile application on a single mobile device owned or controlled by you, and only run a copy of this mobile application for personal use. 9.1 You are not allowed to license, sub-license, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute the AuntieHELP’s mobile application in any way, or otherwise engage in commercial development or make them available to any third party without our consent. 9.2 You are not allowed to modify the AuntieHELP’s system, or create derivative works therefrom. 9.3 You are not allowed to create a Hyperlink to the AuntieHELP’s mobile application, or to "fake" or "mirror" AuntieHELP’s system on any other server or device without our consent. 9.4 You are not allowed to reverse engineer or access AuntieHELP’s system to: 9.4.1 Design or construct competing products or service. 9.4.2 Design or build products with ideas, features, functions, or graphics similar to those of the AuntieHELP’s system. 9.4.3 Plagiarize any idea, feature, function or graphic of the AuntieHELP’s system. 9.5 You are not allowed to activate automated programs or scripts, including (but not limited to) web spiders, web crawlers, web bots, web ants, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms, or anything that can generate Denial of Service attack, or programs that unduly burden or hinder the operation and/or performance of the AuntieHELP’s system. 9.6 You are not allowed to send spam or other repetitive or unsolicited emails to our email server. 9.7 You are not allowed to send or store any infringing, obscene, threatening, defamatory or other unlawful material, including material that is harmful to children or violates the privacy rights of third parties in the App. 9.8 You are not allowed to send or store material containing software viruses, worms, trojans or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents, or programs in the App. 9.9 You are not allowed to interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the AuntieHELP’s system or the information contained therein. 9.10 You are not allowed to attempt to gain unauthorized access to AuntieHELP’s system or its associated system or network. 9.11 We have the right to investigate and seek legal action to any of the above violations, to the fullest extent permitted by law. 9.12 We may participate in and assist law enforcement in prosecuting any personnel who violate these “Terms of Use”. 9.13 You acknowledge that we are under no obligation to monitor your access to or use of AuntieHELP’s system or Shared Content, nor to review or edit any Shared Content, but we reserve the right to act for the purpose of operating AuntieHELP’s system. This allows us to ensure your compliance on this “Terms of Use”, or to comply with the applicable laws or an order of a court, administrative or other governmental authority (if necessary). 9.14 When we believe that any content violates this “Terms of Use” or is otherwise harmful to the AuntieHELP’s system, we reserve the right to remove or disable your access to any shared content at any time without notice in our sole discretion. 10. [Copyright Policy and Intellectual Property Ownership] 10.1 We (and our licensors, where applicable) shall own the right (including all related intellectual property rights), title and interest in AuntieHELP’s system and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, testimonials or other information provided by you or any other party in relation to AuntieHELP’s system. 10.2 This “Terms of Use” do not constitute a sale or transfer to you of any title or any intellectual property rights owned by us in or in connection with AuntieHELP’s system. 10.3 Our name, logo and product names associated with this system is “AuntieHELP” and this “Terms of Use” do not grant you any right or license to use it. 11. [Third Party Interaction] 11.1 During your use of the AuntieHELP’s system, from time to time you might be provided links to websites owned and controlled by third parties (such as service providers, advertisers or sponsors) for you to communicate with, purchase goods or services from, and participate in their promotions. Such links will take you away from our website, applications and services and are beyond our control. 11.2 The websites you may link to have their own terms, conditions, and privacy policies. We are not responsible for the content and activities of these websites. Hence, please be aware that your access to such websites is at your own risk. 11.3 Please note that these sites may send their own cookies, collect data or solicit personal information from users. Therefore, before using such websites, you are advised to review their “Terms of Use” or privacy policies. 12. [Term and Termination of the Contract] 12.1 Our contract with you is an indefinite contract. 12.2 You have the right to terminate the contract at any time by permanently deleting the AuntieHELP’s mobile application installed in your smartphone, thereby prohibiting your use of the AuntieHELP’s system and services. 12.3 We have the right to terminate the contract at any time (by prohibiting your use of AuntieHELP’s system, suspend or terminate your account) with immediate effect if you: 12.3.1 If you violate any term in this “Terms of Use”, or we believe you are abusing the AuntieHELP’s system, including repeated complaints from other users or Suppliers. We are under no obligation to give advance notice of termination of the contract. After the termination of the contract, we will send relevant notice to users or Suppliers in accordance with these “Terms of Use”. 13. [One or more provisions are invalid] If any provision of this “Terms of Use” is invalid, the validity of the other provisions of this “Terms of Use” shall not be affected, and under circumstances (to the extent of that provision) is reasonably unacceptable, the contracting parties shall accept circumstances and those provisions which closest to the invalid part, after considering the overall content and purpose of this “Terms of Use”. 14. [Modification of service and user terms] We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify or replace any content of this “Terms of Use” at any time, or to change, suspend or discontinue the AuntieHELP’s system (including, without limitation, the availability of any functionality, database or content), and make updates to this “Terms of Use” in AuntieHELP’s system. You are obliged to read these terms regularly to ensure your rights. We may also restrict certain features and services or restrict your access to some or all the services, without notice or liability. 15. [Notice and Contact Information] We may send notices in the following ways: 15.1 By sending general notifications in the Services or Apps. 15.2 By sending an email to the email address you have registered with us. 15.3 By sending a written notice to your regular mail address registered in our Account Information. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact us at any time, the contact information is as follows: Woods Global Limited Email Address: enquiry@auntiehelp.com Last updated: 10 October 2022