1.關於AuntieHELP介紹 1.1關於AuntieHELP AuntieHELP是一個提供家務助理配對服務及購物的平臺,以協助客戶在最短的時間內,找到最合適的家務助理及商品為目標。平臺上擁有超過10多種不同的類型的家居服務,涵蓋家居清潔服務、專業清潔服務、上門烹飪服務以及其他服務等。 1.2註冊AuntieHELP帳戶 AuntieHELP平臺上有超過10多種家居及專業服務和超值商品,如果你想查詢到相關的報價,需先註冊一個AuntieHELP帳戶。 AuntieHELP帳戶問題 2.1如何註冊AuntieHELP帳戶 1. 在AuntieHELP主頁按「我的」,进入登錄頁面。 2. 按「如果您沒有賬號?」,进入用戶註冊頁面,填寫用戶名、手機號、電子郵箱和密碼,再按「註冊」。 3. 成功註冊AuntieHELP帳戶後,以手機號碼或電子郵箱登入即可。 2.2如何更改密碼 登錄AuntieHELP帳戶。 在網站右上角點按「我的」。 選擇「修改密碼」。 填寫現有密碼及設置新密碼,點擊「提交」,即可完成。 2.3如何重設密碼 前往「登錄賬戶」頁面。 按「重置密碼」,輸入電郵地址和手機號碼。 電子郵箱將會收到驗證碼,在網頁輸入驗證碼後,更改密碼。 2.4如何終止AuntieHELP帳戶 如您希望終止AuntieHELP帳戶,請把姓名、登記電郵、登記電話及取消帳戶的原因 (可選擇填寫)電郵至enquiry@auntiehelp.com。當申請處理完畢,AuntieHELP客戶服務專員會與你聯絡。請注意,帳戶一經終止,所有資料都將會被刪除及失效。 付款及訂單問題 3.1 如何在AuntieHELP下單? 3.1.1 商品 點選心儀的商品,進入產品的詳情頁面。 加到購物車或按「立即購買」。 在付款頁內可編輯已揀選的產品的數量和郵費。 請必須「選擇/添加地址」。 確認地址、商品總額、優惠詳情及訂單總額后,請按「立即支付」。 在結帳頁面輸入電郵地址,信用卡,確認無誤後按「支付」。 3.1.2 服務 點選心儀的服務,進入服務的詳情頁面。 在確認服務後,按「立即購買」。 在付款頁內可編輯已選的服務的細則,數量,和服務時間。請留意要求的服務時間,不同服務有不同提前預約要求。如果您有特別的需求,請在留意的空白格裡填寫。 請必須「選擇/添加地址」。 確認地址、服務的細則、服務時間及訂單總額后,請按「立即發布」。 在有服務供應商接單後,您必須前往「我的訂單裡」的「待付款」,選擇您的訂單,然後付款。 在結帳頁面輸入電郵地址,信用卡,確認無誤後按「支付」。 3.2付款方式 信用卡 (Visa / MasterCard / American Express) 微信 (只支援中國大陸地區) 支付寶 (只支援中國大陸地區) 3.3如何確認付款是否成功 訂單成功付款並確認後會收到系統的短訊或電郵的通知訂單確認。如您收到以上其中一個資訊,即表示您的訂單已成功付款並確認。 3.4為甚麼會付款失敗? AuntieHELP致力為客戶提供便利貼心的網上購物體驗,但付款過程中牽涉付款銀行、收款銀行、支付平臺及商戶確認訂單等多方程式。因此,AuntieHELP有機會因網路系統的穩定性、收付系統情況和商戶貨存而未能成功處理客人的訂單。 如您未能成功付款,請檢查您的付款資料無誤(包括信用卡號碼、有效日期、CVV驗證碼)。 如您未有輸入正確的信用卡資料或在付款中途離開交易畫面,訂單亦將無法交易成功。 您也可以透過電郵聯繫我們的客戶服務中心,讓我們幫您跟進付款上的問題。 3.5付款時效 一般情況下,客人建立訂單後需要即時或限制要求的有效時間內完成付款,逾時訂單將被取消。 3.6訂單狀態查訊 您在網上付款購物後,我們會透過短信或電郵通知您訂單的狀態,包括訂單確認、付款確認、出貨通知等消息。您也可以以下方式查詢您的訂單狀態。 1. 登入AuntieHELP帳戶。 2. 按「我的」。 3. 在「我的訂單」查看訂單狀態。 配送及運費問題 4.1 AuntieHELP提供的服務覆蓋全香港嗎? 請參照AuntieHELP的供應商的交付條款及其覆蓋服務範圍。 4.2如何得知貨品或服務的派送方式? 您可以參考供應商的交付條款及其服務或產品的交付方式。 4.3在AuntieHELP購物,可以免運費嗎? 不同供應商設有不同的免運費優惠,商品總額滿指定金額可能免運費,因此選購時請您細閱商品交付條款。 4.4訂單確認後,服務或貨品被供應商或AuntieHELP取消,令商品總額未滿指定免運費金額,我需要支付運費嗎? 如貨品因供應商或AuntieHELP運作問題而被取消,AuntieHELP不會收取額外運費。 4.5贈品需要額外計算運費嗎? 如果訂單內包含贈品,你將毋須額外支付運費。 4.6 AuntieHELP會如何安排送貨? 您可以參考供應商的交付條款及其物流及送貨安排。 4.7如何新增送貨或服務位址? 你可於結帳頁面新增送貨位址。按「請選擇/添加地址」,填寫你想新增的送貨位址,最後按「提交」。 您也可以前往主頁面的「我的」,然後選擇「地址管理」,填寫你想新增的送貨位址,最後按「提交」。 4.8我可要求貨品放在門口/由管理處或接待處或協力廠商代收嗎? 一般而言,我們需要收貨人簽收貨品。如收貨人未能簽收貨品,我們必須得到客戶同意及確認才會按要求把貨品放在門口或由管理處/接待處代收。如欲安排由管理處/接待處代收貨品,請先自行與他們溝通並確認有關安排。 如欲安排其他人代收貨品,請於送貨地址一欄填上代收人姓名及聯絡電話。有關訂單完成之確認電郵會直接發送至你帳戶中的聯絡電郵。 請注意,如商品因客戶要求放在門口或由管理處/接待處代收而造成任何遺失或損毀,AuntieHELP不會因此而作出賠償。 **所有包含酒精的貨品,必需由年滿18歲人士領取。如送貨員/自提點負責人對收件人的年齡有所懷疑,可能會要求收件人出示年齡證明檔以作確認。如取件人拒絶出示年齡證明文件,送貨員/自提點負責人有權拒絕發放貨品。 4.9如何更改 / 取消訂單? AuntieHELP確認訂單後,系統會即時發送訂單資料予商品或家居服務的所屬供應商,並安排出貨或出勤; 臨時更改已確認訂單有可能造成物流紀錄的差異並影響商品派送或服務安排。因此,如你已確認訂單,恕AuntieHELP無法更改收貨或服務位址、或更改訂單內容,懇請閣下理解及體諒。 如果您取消已發布但尚未確認及付款的家居服務訂單,您可以前往「我的訂單裡」,「待接單」,選擇您要取消的訂單,按「取消訂單」,然後呈交上取消訂單的原因。 已經付款的商品訂單一般情況下不設毫無損壞的退換或退款, 請您務必閱讀供應商其相關的交付條款和使用條款與細則。 4.10我可否要求指定時段送貨? 不同派送方式設有不同送貨時段,一切都根據AuntieHELP的供應商(獨立第三方)的交付條款或貨品物流方式的指定送貨時段。抱歉我們未能安排個別指定時間派送。如有需要,請於送貨員致電確認送遞或上門時間時向他提出要求,送貨員會儘量配合安排。 4.11訂單派送失敗會有甚麼安排? 如首次派送失敗,物流公司將聯絡顧客另作安排,而顧客有可能需繳付額外費用。 至於上門服務員則會儘快聯繫客戶安排服務時間。 客戶將會在送貨員或上門服務員派送前收到確認電話,請留意來電。 4.12何時會收到送貨通知?如果未有收到任何送貨通知,我應該怎麼辦? 商品一般會在客戶成功下單後, 根據供應商交付款條的交貨期內送貨。派送前,供應商或速遞公司會以電話,短信或電郵形式通知您送貨時間。請您放心,AuntieHELP平台以顧客為先及顧客的利益放在首位,會確保您已付的款項。您可發郵件通知供應商或AuntieHELP平台客服協助。 4.13如未能收到相關電郵,請檢視「垃圾郵件」。 如閣下未獲聯絡,你可發送電郵至enquiry@auntiehelp.com尋求客戶服務專員的協助。 4.14颱風或惡劣天氣下會有甚麼送貨或上門安排? 基於配送限制及安全理由,上門或派送及自取服務會於黑色暴雨警告生效、或當八號或以上風球懸掛時暫停。 5.退換貨及售後服務 5.1退換貨問題 如簽收時發現商品有任何損毀或錯漏,請先以照片記錄貨品情況並請立即透過系統或電郵反映有關商品問題。 如您被通知可退換貨,請保留貨品的完整包裝,並確保其組裝狀態與購買時一致。 如客戶對上門的服務員所提供的服務不滿意,可用相同的管道投訴或反映。 注:每張訂單只可作出一次退換貨申請。我們不接受毫無損壞的情況下退貨。 5.2售後保養條款 產品的保養細節以供應商公佈的保養條款為准。本公司會致力確保系統的保養資料及記錄準確,但對一切因數據出錯而造成的損失概不負責。 5.3如何撰寫商品評論? 您可以於收貨後90天內就已購買的商品或服務撰寫評論、上載相片及評分以供其他顧客參考。您可參考一下的步驟去提供評論。 您可以在「我的訂單」尋找「已付款或是已完成」的項目中,點出並寫下您的評論及上載圖片。 5.4 退款 商品訂單一經確認和付款,恕不接收取消訂單。若您在簽收貨品時發現有損壞,請即時聯繫我們。 如您想為已經付款的家居服務訂單,申請退款,您可以以下方式申請。申請退款前, 請您務必閱讀供應商其相關服務條款的取消訂單和退款要求及平台使用條款的第六項內容。 1. 請前往「我的訂單」。 2. 按「已付款」,然後選擇您要取消的訂單。 3. 在訂單的頁面裡,按「申請退款」,然後填寫退款的原因,然後按「確認」。 您的取消訂單申請會發送到我們的客戶服務員進行酌情處理,並會在21天內處理完畢。 6.聯絡我們 我們希望收集你對AuntieHELP的意見及回饋,以助我們日後改善及提升服務水準,歡迎電郵至 enquiry@auntiehelp.com分享你的寶貴意見,再次多謝你支持AuntieHELP! 如有任何疑問或意見,請隨時聯絡我們。 辦公時間: 星期一至五 (9am - 6pm),星期六及公眾假期休息 更新日期: 2022年10月10日 1. About AuntieHELP 1.1 About AuntieHELP AuntieHELP is a platform that provides domestic services and product purchases, with the goal of finding the most suitable domestic services and products for customers in the shortest time. There are more than 10 different types of domestic services on the platform, including home cleaning, professional cleaning, home cooking and other services. 1.2 Registration of AuntieHELP account There are more than 10 kinds of professional services and valued products on the AuntieHELP platform. Please register an AuntieHELP account first if you want to inquire about relevant quotations. AuntieHELP account’s questions 2.1 How to register AuntieHELP account Step 1: Click [Login] on the home page, into the login page. Step 2: Click [Register], then click [Register] after filling in username, mobile number, email and password. Step 3: After successfully registered, you can login your account with mobile number or email. 2.2 How to change account password Step 1: Login AuntieHELP account. Step 2: Click [My] in the Main Page after Login. Step 3: Click [Change Password]. Step 4: Filling old and new password and then click [Submit]. 2.3 How to reset account password Step 1: Click [Login] on the home page, into the login page Step 2: Click [Reset Password], enter your username and password, then click [Submit] Step 3: Get and fill in the verification code from the email, enter the verification code in and new password, then click [Submit]. 2.4 How to terminate the AuntieHELP account Please send the email to enquiry@auntiehelp.com with your name, registered email address, mobile number, and reason of account cancellation (optional). Our customer service representative may contact you once the application is completed. All the information shall be deleted and no longer valid as well as no refunds or exchange of all orders once the account is terminated. Payment and order issues How to do shopping or place order on AuntieHELP? 3.1.1 Products Pick and click into the details of your favorite products. Select [Shopping Cart] or [Order Now]. You may edit products quantity and delivery fees in the shopping check out page. You must [Select or add address] to provide a delivery address After confirming the details of order, delivery address, total order amount, click [Pay Now]. Fill in email, select payment method and fill in name, click [Pay] go to the payment page after the details are confirmed. 3.1.2 Services Pick and click into the details of your favorite service. Select [Order Now] once you decided to make the order. In the shopping check out page, you may edit service’s details, quantity, and time of service. Please pay attention to the time of service you book, there is minimum time period required in advance accordingly. If you have any other special request, you may fill the request in the “Message”. You must [Select or add address] to provide a delivery address. After confirming the details of order details, delivery address, time of service, and total order amount, click [Publish Now]. Once there is a service provider takes up your order, you should go to the [Wait for Pay] in the [My Orders], select the order that has picked up, and make the payment. Fill in email, select payment method and fill in name, click [Pay] go to the payment page after the details are confirmed. 3.2 Payment method Credit card (Visa / MasterCard / American Express) WeChatPay (Only limited to Mainland China) Alipay (Only limited to Mainland China) 3.3 How to confirm the successful payment You would receive system notification in SMS or email confirmation once the order payment is successfully placed. 3.4 Why has my payment failed AuniteHELP aims at providing convenient shopping experience. The payment process might involve many parties like banks, payment gateways and merchants, the order might be declined concerning the common factors like the stability of providers’ payment system or network system and the stock level of merchant inventory. If your payment fails, please check that you have entered the credit card number, valid date and CVV verification code correctly. Please stay on the payment page during the payment process. You can contact our customer service by email to follow up the payment issue. 3.5 Payment time limit In general, customer needs to settle the payment right away after the order is placed or within certain time period required as restriction. The order would be cancelled when the time limit is exceeded or timeout. 3.6 Order Status After the order is successfully placed, you will receive SMS or emails like order confirmation, payment confirmation and delivery notification and so on. You might also follow the steps below to check the order status. Login to AuntieHELP. Clink [My]. Click [Orders] to view the order status. Delivery and shipping cost 4.1 Service coverage of AuniteHELP in Hong Kong Please refer to service coverage in the item’s terms and conditions listed by suppliers accordingly. 4.2 How to know the delivery method of services and products Please refer to delivery method in the item’s terms and conditions listed by suppliers accordingly. 4.3 Free delivery Free delivery may be available when the total amount of the product merchant exceeds the specified amount. Therefore, please read carefully the item’s terms and conditions listed by suppliers accordingly. 4.4 Do I need to pay for delivery cost when suppliers or AuntieHELP cancel my order that leads to the total amount of the product doesn’t exceed the specified amount? You will not be charged for extra delivery cost if the order is cancelled by suppliers or AuntieHELP. 4.5 Will the giveaway be charged for additional delivery cost? If the order includes a giveaway, you will not be charged extra for shipping. 4.6 How the delivery will be arranged? Please refer to logistics and delivery arrangements in the item’s terms and conditions listed by suppliers accordingly. 4.7 How to add a new shipping or service address? You can add an address on checkout page, select [Please select/add an address], fill in the new detailed delivery address, and click [Submit]. Or you can click [My] in the Main Page, then [Address], fill in the new detailed delivery address, and click [Submit]. 4.8 Can I request that the products be placed at the door/collected by the management office or reception or a third party? In general, we need the consignee to sign for the products. If the consignee fails to sign for the receipt of the products, we must obtain the consent and confirmation of the customer before placing the products at the door or collecting them at the management office/reception as required. If you would like to arrange for the collection of goods by the Management Office/Reception, please contact them by yourself and confirm the arrangement. If you would like to arrange for someone else to collect the goods, please fill in the name and contact number of the consignee in the shipping address column. A confirmation email for the completion of the order will be sent directly to the contact email in your account. Please note that AuntieHELP will not compensate for any loss or damage caused by the products being placed at the door or collected by the management office/reception as the customer's request. **All goods containing alcohol must be collected by a person aged 18 or above. If the delivery service provider has doubts about the recipient's age, the recipient may be asked to present proof of age documentation for confirmation. If the pickup person refuses, the delivery service provider has the right to refuse giving recipient the products. 4.9 How to change / cancel the order? After the order is confirmed, the order is sent to related suppliers and to be proceeded. Any change request to the confirmed orders may affect the delivery arrangement. Therefore, if you have confirmed your order, you cannot change the delivery or service address, cancel the order, or change the order content, we appreciate your understanding. If you would like to cancel the published service order before payment, you can go to [Wait for accept] under the [My Orders], select the order you want to cancel, press [Cancel Order], fill in the reason of cancel, and press [Submit]. Generally, there is no damage-free return or refund for paid orders. Please make sure that you have read the supplier's relevant terms and conditions accordingly, and the “Terms of Use” before purchasing. 4.10 Can I request a specified delivery? Please refer to the item’s terms and conditions listed by the supplier (independent third parties) on AuntieHELP. The specific pick-up time may varies depending on the delivery methods from different suppliers (independent third parties) on AuntieHELP. We are sorry that we were unable to arrange a specified delivery time. Please make a request to couriers for the further arrangement if necessary,. 4.11 What are the arrangements for order delivery failure? If the first delivery fails, the logistics company will contact the customer to make alternative arrangements, and the customer might be required to pay an additional fee. As for the domestic service provider, he/she will contact the customer as soon as possible to arrange the next service time. Customers will receive a confirmation call before the delivery, please pay attention to the incoming call. 4.12 When will I receive a delivery notification? What should I do if I don't receive any delivery notifications? The ordered goods will generally be delivered within the lead-time according to the supplier's terms and conditions listed. Before delivery, you will be notified by an email or call from the supplier or courier company regarding the delivery time. Please rest assured that client best interest is AuntieHELP’s top priority, we will confirm your payment and complete the delivery on time. You can also send an email to the supplier or AuntieHELP for further assistance. 4.13 If you do not receive the relevant email, please check "Spam". If you have not received email, you may send an email to enquiry@auntiehelp.com for assistance from a Customer Service Specialist. 4.14 What are the delivery or door-to-door arrangements in typhoons or bad weather? Due to delivery restrictions and safety reasons, the door-to-door or delivery and self-pickup service will be suspended when the Black Rainstorm Warning is in effect or when Typhoon No. 8 or above is hoisted. Return and exchange and after-sales service 5.1 Return and Exchange If any damage or missing part are found in the products, please report the issues of the product with pictures attached through our system or email immediately. If you are advised to return or exchange, please keep the product in its full packaging and ensure that it is packed in the same state as it was purchased. If the customer is not satisfied with the service provided, you may report the issues in the same way. Note: Each order can only be returned and exchanged once. 5.2 After-sales Maintenance Terms Please refer to the warranty terms and conditions website listed by suppliers for details. The Company will try to ensure that the system information record is accurate but we are not responsible for any loss caused by data errors. 5.3 How to write a product review? You can write reviews, upload photos and ratings of purchased products or services within 90 days of receipt. Please go to [My Orders], select [Paid or Completed] in the order status and click “Please write your comment”. 5.4 Refund We do not accept cancel order if product order is confirmed. If you found damage on the product when you receive it, please contact the supplier or us immediately by an email. If you would like to apply for refund for the paid service order, refer to the following steps. Please make sure that you have read the requirements required in relevant item’s terms and conditions listed from supplier and our “Term of Use”, Clause 6, before proceeding. 1. Go to the [My Order], 2. Press [Paid], select the order you want to cancel. 3. Under the order page, press [Apply for Refund], fill in the reason of refund, and press [Submit]. You order cancel application will be handled by our customer service representative discretionally. Your application will be completed in 21 working days. Contact Us We hope to gain your comments and feedback on AuntieHELP to help us improve and enhance our service level in the future, you are welcome to email enquiry@auntiehelp.com to share your valuable comments to us, thank you again for supporting AuntieHELP! If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Office Hours: Monday to Friday (9am - 6pm), closed on Saturdays and public holidays Updated: 10 October, 2022